Feasibility Studies
To determine the best grid connection option(s) for a generation project, at distribution or transmission level, and the associated works, costs and timelines.

Grid Connection
We can assist with the grid connection process of your renewable generation project, from the application to the connection offer.

Electical Design
We can provide preliminary electrical design, to inform the main parameters of the connection, based on best engineering practices and costs.

Due Diligence
We can provide an independent and unbiased due diligence review of all aspects of the grid connection agreements and design for the acquisition of projects.

Power System Studies
We have experience in using DigSilent Powerfactory to perform a wide range of power system analysis studies , load flows, harmonic assessment and fault level studies.

Owner's Engineer
We can act as owner's engineer to provide support during all phases of the project, design, construction, or commissioning.